KAV Consulting is a small firm specializing in Athenahealth applications that improve overall processes, positively impact cash collections, and bring value to organizations we work with. In maintaining our small team, we also maintain a high level of quality and commitment to our clients.
We are not contractors who approach a project with an attitude of "Tell me what to do." We are true consultants, as a team having an average of 25+ years of experience in healthcare billing and information technology. Not only do we know the system, we understand the process, the goals, and how to get there.
In reviewing the team profiles, you will see strong backgrounds in all phases of AthenaIDX applications. Understanding how these applications fit together to build a strong, cash-centric process enables us to provide value to our clients quickly and efficiently. In the same number of hours scoped, we provide faster, higher-quality results.
Our focus has become Enterprise Task Manager (ETM), although we continue to manage and support other projects and products. In cooperation with Athenahealth, we have created a premier set of ETM workflows that consist of effective processes, a consistent backbone, and premium reporting. These are known as the ETM Expert Workflows, and they provide benefits such as Indicators to alert the user of non-standard items in their View, Outcomes to provide management with an additional level of productivity, and Returns, which is a truly fantastic feature that discounts production and provides training opportunities when the staff performs actions incorrectly. The transparency of the information within ETM, the reporting that we provide, and the process knowledge brought in all combine to provide your organization with a truly elite implementation of ETM.